About Me

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We are a brand new family - Our Twins were born March 15, 2011. Becoming parents has changed our lives! We are loving every second! We are living, loving & learning with every diaper change! And believe me we have learned A LOT! We are excited to see what the future holds for the 4Miles'

Monday, July 11, 2011

Attack of the Summer Cold

Well we've been hit over at the Miles' house...Hit by a COLD!  Stuffy heads, snotty noses, sleepiness, basically feeling like I've been run over by a truck!

As of this morning Stephen, myself, Jax AND Layla all are sick - Yuck...that's right everyone under our roof except the Diesel the dog are under the weather. 

Diesel is hiding out...hoping to not catch a cold!

The babies were a bit congested last night but it turned into a war zone around 3am.  Both crying and having trouble breathing thru their poor little noses....2 Bottles, a Baby Vick's Vapor Rub treatment and a LOT of TLC by momma and ahh- they both fell back to sleep in our bed until.....(make sure you are sitting down) 9AM!! Which was great considering I am not feeling 100% either -

My arsenal - bottles, medicine, tissue paper, Vicks and GermX...
I try to keep things Classy haha...notice the color coded bottles it is a job just making sure they don't share bottles=share germs!

The 3 of us hung out in our jammies in bed until about 11 - To let Stephen sleep after working all night. 

My sweet babies.............
finally comfortable, cuddled up together

Jax was so sweet...he woke up but was so calm and content!  
Almost like he wanted to let his sister sleep in  


  1. no fun! i battled that cold for a good two weeks, i wouldn't wish it on anyone!! hope you get some sleep!!

  2. I *HATE* summer colds...hope this one passes quickly for you guys!

  3. The last two pictures are the sweetest! I think Jax would do anything for his sister =) Feel better soon!!

  4. Sorry you are all sick. I know the summer colds are going around. I love the picture of Jax awake while Layla sleeps. It is the sweetest picture ever. You have two adorable little babies. Feel better soon!
