About Me

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We are a brand new family - Our Twins were born March 15, 2011. Becoming parents has changed our lives! We are loving every second! We are living, loving & learning with every diaper change! And believe me we have learned A LOT! We are excited to see what the future holds for the 4Miles'

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Apples Attempt #1

After the pediatrician appt Monday we decided we would introduce some food to the babies - 
We decided we'd go with Apples ...Everyone likes apples don't they??  Well these pictures should speak for themselves...

 First spoonful.........
 She would take a bite...then make the worst face in the world  If you didn't know any better you would think we were feeding her sweet tarts!  It was sooo funny - sorry there are no pictures but we were laughing way to hard to document!

 I LOVE this kid - How sweet is this pic of my little man
Jaxon was not that into his food - Passed out sitting up! 

After lunch the babies took a LONG nap - I left them at Gma J's and headed to the mall to pick up a few outfits for the visitation tomorrow and the Stork/Kempfer Wedding Saturday...
All you moms out there know what I'm dealing with - It is soooo frustrating trying on clothes and  my pre-preg clothes dont fit but I really would prefer to NOT spend a ton of money buying bigger sizes. Because HOPEFULLY I get rid of this extra weight in the next few months!!   

After thinking long and hard about the events that have happened the last few days -  I've realized that life is extremely too short.  It is so important to value every second you have to spend with your loved ones.  I read a article on loss this afternoon and the author stressed the importance of positive thinking and "happy thoughts" to get a person through rough times.  I am going to try every day to finish my blogs with a positive thought, or something that simply made me smile throughout my day - 

I challenge you all to do the same!! Hopefully the one item that makes you smile, will make your readers smile as well!!

*I am so happy to have TWO healthy, happy babies...and a Wonderful Husband*
It makes me smile listening to the babies over the monitor making all of their little noises while they sleep!  They are so innocent and reliant on us for everything! 
 I LOVE being their Mom


  1. Totally know what you are saying about clothes not fitting after baby... but dreading buying new stuff that hopefully won't be worn for long! I think it especially stinks for this time of year. Would have been nice to just throw on a hoodie after having a baby - but since it was warm, we had to mess with shorts/tanks and all that.

  2. Agreed totally aghhhhhh and it drives me nuts to hear about or see those skinnies that say "oh I was back to my pre preg. Weight after 1 week of being home". Not this girl!

  3. you will get there. honey you had TWINS, i could only imagine.
    and i love the positive thoughts at the end. great idea. you truly are blessed with those awesome and ADORABLE babies!!
