About Me

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We are a brand new family - Our Twins were born March 15, 2011. Becoming parents has changed our lives! We are loving every second! We are living, loving & learning with every diaper change! And believe me we have learned A LOT! We are excited to see what the future holds for the 4Miles'

Friday, September 2, 2011

warning - if you like Tequilas (and would like to continue eating there) Dont Read!

I have been on a pretty strict diet the past month and a half - no real cheating, no going out to eat... nothing!!  Last night we had a volleyball game and decided afterwards we would head up to Tequilas in Sparta for supper.  My first real cheat - Call it Karma from the diet gods, or whatever you want but I ordered a  Chicken Taco Salad...Not very good to start with but as I pushed my 1/2 eaten plate away I notice something...not lettuce, not chicken, not sour cream...yep right there plain as day a cooked cockroach with a little guacamole on the side! yummmmmy!  I'm telling you it was great!
Sooo Robo-Cop Husband that I have kicked into action...got the manager - Who said flat out "We pay $65.00 a month to get the kitchen sprayed for bugs, get inspected once a month" and the best part was "IT's NOT MY FAULT!"
wait ...what............
So I guess It was my fault I didn't order my taco salad WITHOUT beans and BUGS!

So needless to say that will probally be our last dining experience at Sparta Tequila's for a long while if not Ever!!

But on to better more appetizing things!  kelly and ben made it home last night - Kelly and Mom came over this morning before I headed off to work so kel could get a snug with J&L! 

Just thought this would put a smile on everyones face!!

Good Morning Everyone!!


  1. They are adorable. I love Layla's bed head :-)

  2. tequilas - OMG nasty!
    but i lol-ed when you said oh my fault i forget to order it without beans and BUGS. ugh.

    but LOVE that pic of the kiddos. too cute!
