About Me

My photo
We are a brand new family - Our Twins were born March 15, 2011. Becoming parents has changed our lives! We are loving every second! We are living, loving & learning with every diaper change! And believe me we have learned A LOT! We are excited to see what the future holds for the 4Miles'

Thursday, January 5, 2012

SIck Baby...

Well we are on day 3 of Jaxon being sick...it started with just a runny nose - add a bit of a cough - now throw in him being terribly irritable tonight and you have the makings of a sleepless night for momma!

Stephen took J to the pedi - Dr. Birner just to make sure nothing more serious had set it...that type of dry prolonged caught always makes me wonder what it takes to come down with something more serious than the common cold.

Turns out he has the start of a dbl ear infection - and the cough is viral so we just have to let it run its course.
Look at that little red face...it breaks my heart to hear him cough and cough and cough...I just hope the meds work quick!!

At least it is Friday tomorrow...if we have rough night I at least have saturday morning to somewhat sleep in this weekend!!

Well I didn't think Id be on the computer this long - Jax is taking little 10-15 min power naps, im going to attempt to convince him its time for bed...HA

happy friday everyone!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Short post tonight... Jaxon is coughing like crazy and will not let me out of his sight! Their 9month pictures have been posted and are adorable! Check them Out!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back to Work

Well its official...Christmas Break 2011 is OVER!  I started back at work today - after two LONG Fantastic weeks off, I had a teachers institute today, kids start back tomorrow.  Kacie and I were bummed we weren't shopping like we were 24 hours prior to this picture taken.

It is always good to get back into a routine, but I LOVED every second of break spending time just playing, snuggling and chillin with my babies.  I mean who wouldn't love waking up to these faces every morning!

Most of you already know this but my mom and dad are retired this year - and have been my babysitters throughout the school year on days Stephen works midnights.  Well they made the decision (long before J&L were thought of...) that they would "Winter" in Destin, Fl. when they retire.  Several other retired couples from Sparta do the same thing, staying in the same Condo Complex - The Jetty East. After a VERY tearful goodbye last night Mom and Dad packed up the van and were off bright and early today - to spend the entire Month of January at "The Jetty."

Mom and Dad if you are reading this - We are extremely happy (especially you mom) that you actually went along with this plan!  We are excited to see this tradition become a yearly event...so please expect many visitors!  You worked so hard for so many years - you deserve to take a month and simply "live by the beach."

Mom- I AM expecting you to find a cake decorating class - and OWN it! haha (inside joke everyone...she isn't starting her cake biz ...Just YET! lol
 Ahhh so jealous ...as I sit here in front of the fire keeping warm as it is 27 degrees out ...brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

We have visited "The Jetty" several times and it is a georgous area.  If you have not been to Destin, it is a must...Water as pretty and clear as the Bahamas, AMAZING shopping and the most laid back atmosphere I've seen in a true tourist city.

With my "babysitters" soaking up the sun in Destin, my loving Husband has turned our home into "daddy daycare."  Bless his heart, a few days a week he will work all night and babysit during the day, hopefully sleeping when the kids nap...he will get to sleep when I get home from school but Im sure things will get a bit crazy from time to time!

This arrangement is only for 1 month as mom and dad are only spending Jan. down south.  Mom was unsure how this would all play out so this year is their Trial Period.

well I have a sickly husband and a "on the verge" of sickly little boy Sooo while the house is quiet and all parties are sleeping Im headed that direction...I've learned in the last 9+ months that regardless of how much work, cleaning, facebooking OR Pinteresting you THINK you have to do...The best time to get sleep is when the babies are sleeping!! So im off to dreamland!...Goodnight all

I know day 2 of the new year and I've already missed a post- well kind of... I am just sitting down from bein on the go since 9am! I had a great day... Consisting of shopping with Kacie, a trip that was long over due (althought shopping with her puts a dent in the ol bank acct!). Let's just say the traverse was LOADED down on our way home! Who knew a traverse could hold
-2 double strollers
-2 single strollers...

Yes I currently have 4 strollers in my car right now... Long story but the short side is mom and dad are leaving today for a month in sunny Destin (jealous!!) and they had one of my dbl strollers in their van...(#1)

I always keep my duo glide dbl stroller in my car (#2)

We are flyin to visit mom and dad in a few weeks so we are honking of we both push a kid in a lightweight smaller umbrella stroller - traveling might not be so crazy with two 10month olds (#3&4)
So there you have it the stroller situation- back to the packed car... We ended up leaving the craft store with
-a red wooden shelf
-talk pantry cabinet
-another smaller red shelf
-a COAT rack!
-a wooden ladder
- a magazine rack
- birthday present
-j&l's 1st bday outfits !! So cute we will post pics soon!

Well it all fit and we were happy campers! We proceeded to head to the mall hoping for so e Olga's which had a line from here to Montana! What the heck why did THAT many people need to eat lunch at 2:00
Sooo we headed to trusty Casa for some chips and salsa- thank good ess their food is so good bc the service today was a bit South of he border lol

We made It home unloaded the moving van and I headed to my moms whose had j&l and was getting ready to have a birthday for my aunt jo.

We had a nice party with pizza and cake - my gma pats chocolate cake with carmel icing! yummy I could eat that any day of the week... Any time of he day just like my moms, there is very little things my Gma cooks that I would turn away from!!

Well I head back to work tomorrow (bummed would be an understatement) I have had an amazing break hanging it with Jax and Layla everyday! I look at it his way we are his much closer to summer vacation! but until the. I would be ever so excited to have a snow day or two!

Guess I'll gt to bed- I'm cuddled up with my baby j and ready to pass out

Good night all

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!

Well J&L's 1st Christmas has come and gone...It was the best Christmas we have had hands down.  Seeing Jaxon & Layla ooohhh and ahh over everything from Christmas Lights to wrapped gifts under the tree, was amazing! But...let's not kid anyone they were much more excited about the paper than the toys!!

Due to their new found love of EVERYTHING shiny, along with their new found MOBILITY all my ornaments were located on the upper 3/4 of our tree.  It only took Layla pulling off and breaking 3 ornaments within about 3 min to make this decision!!

We did have a wonderful holiday - Kelly and Ben were home and shocked at how much J&L had grown in just the short period of time they had been away. The last time they had seen j&l was at the wedding just a few months back.

Now jax and Layla are crawling full force...we even have races to the bath tub and let me tell you the competition is stiff on a nightly basis. If was quite comical this year at the Miles/Mueller family Christmas hosted at our house. It came time to give baths and get ready for bed...I did my normal proclamation to the babies of "whose ready for a bath??" and like they have done so often with only me as their audience right then and there they both dropped the toys they were playing with and Crawled single file towards the bathroom..giggling all the way!

It's days like that that make all the dirty diapers, sleepless night, and fussiness seem not as smelly AND tiresome!!

With Christmas already gone and the new year upon us I have a few things I want to try and work on in 2012. Call them resolutions or personal goals but here we go

~try my best to be more patient with not only my family,but friends, co-workers, volleyball players and students at school!

~Diet!I know it sounds like the typical resolution but I am determined to keep up with the this diet program...hope your seated for this but I gained a whoopin' 78 lbs with jaxon and Layla i kniw ppl have said "but you had TWO" babies...well yeah but those TWO only weighted 6lbs4oz. And 5lbs 7oz... Where in the heck did the other 66lbs come from- well i think Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls and (i cringe when i type this but...) McDonalds big macs all had something to do with that number- and gulp......I've lost 52 of it...still a ways to go I would love to be back to pre pregnancy weight at their first birthday party. Goal#1 written down!

-mommy and daddy of the year! I want to continue to do my best raising the sweetest, loving and in my humble opinion most adorable set of twins on the planet!! hey I'm their mom I can say that right??!! lol I love them so much and can not remember my life without them in it! I promise to do everything in my power to keep them safe, secure and loved from now until forever. Stephen and I would do anything for those two!

-find a deeper faith
Church "go-er"... yes,
have always had faith in my life...yes
but it is my goal to find a deeper meaning and live a more faith based lifestyle. I believe I can do this simply, without making many changes, as the ground work has been laid shifted and improved for 28 years. I do not want to make the extreme changes as some would describe as the holy roller- you all know people like this... people who do and say what they want everyone to hear I regards to their religion. They want EVERYONE to know they are doing Gods work and living a lifestyle according to His word. That is great dont get me wring BUT I feel that if I am at peace with my relationship with God, I do not Necessarily need the outward symbols to "prove" to anyone this relationship.

Ooo this is a big one...I will try..."REALLY TRY" and blog every day. Even if it is just to say today was a boring day but jaxon had a massive "blow out" which a rather impressive the places he had poop! (armpit, neck, sock etc.) funny how as an adult you never talk about poop...but you have a kid and that becomes topic of o so many conversations!! ha funny but o so true! "o the little things that make our world go round!!

- I am going to try to take time out of our evenings just to hang out with Stephen... With this new dumb schedule they have at work it looks like it will be months before we will have the opportunity to go out to dinner on an actualy WEEKEND night. So the time we do spend together is so much more valuable even if it is us sitting I the living watching "moonshiners."...I truly miss just hanging out watching tv with my husband!

- last but certainly not least I am going to take a picture of J&L everyday of 2012- with so many new babies being born these last few weeks I can not get over how tiny these babies are...It makes me so sad to think Jaxon and Layla were sooo teeny tiny and I can not even remember them that small! I am getting things to gather to sell my baby clothes and to go thru preemie sleepers and know that they swallowed jaxon when we first brought him home makes me tear up at the sight of them. By taking photos each day it's my goal to have a photo book made next year to see just how big they have gotten right before their 2nd birthday

Well day 1 of 2012 is coming to a close. So far so good I must say! I'm headed to bed to cuddle with two of my three loves. As i head to bed ill be saying a little prayer for my other love who is keeping us safe tonight and every night!