About Me

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We are a brand new family - Our Twins were born March 15, 2011. Becoming parents has changed our lives! We are loving every second! We are living, loving & learning with every diaper change! And believe me we have learned A LOT! We are excited to see what the future holds for the 4Miles'

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The trip so far......

The trip is going fairly well considering a few hiccups- I'm not exactly sure where to start but I'll start by saying the babies are going incredibly well- only fussy when hungry and due to the fact that we are "schedule people" And out here we have no schedule they are amazing me every day. Pray that continues- so far we have seen all the monuments from afar the plan is a trolley tour tomorrow. We took a tour of the capital this afternoon which wAs amazing to see where the house and senate meet. Due to the fact that the house was not meeting today Kelly ( who works for Jerry Costello) we had a behind the scenes look at things we actually got to go in the house floor! The night ended with supper at La Loma a nice Mexican place down from kelly and bens. We had a nice dinner And it just so worked out my sister in law kris is working in dc this week so she came an joined us for supper! Kelly had to stay back at the apt bc she is sick.... Now starts the bad luck of the last 24 hours.
*First off yesterday we come back to the house and their air conditioning is broke- yes in the middle of summer a broken ac... They called and called their landlord and not a repairman one ever showed...so with a fan it was somewhat tolerable for adults but simply too not for the babies. Sooo we are presently staying in hotel in Arlington. The air conditionin works greAt and the babies have had a chance to cool off have a bottle and pass out for the night.
*second stroke of bad luck hit my dad... He woke up with a Terrible swollen face and tooth ache. Poor guy ended in the emergency room before lunch- while he and mom got the tooth looked at Stephen myself Katie Gma and the babies headed to Arlington national cemetery. It is an amazing sight to see. We have tickets to the tour Sunday so we just walked a Short distAnce to see the eternal flame of JFK ... Breathtaking- you can stand at his grvae and look back to the city and see Washington monument *That was certainly the silver lining of the bad turn of events of the day!
*unfortunate event #3 .... Kelly got sick. Poor girl was sick all last night but went to work anyway knowing we wanted a rour by our own personal tour guide! After work she ended up today walking past the library of congress and the supreme court building and as our luck would have it she ended up getting sick on the front lawn of the library of Congress! Talk about a day with no luck!

Tomorrow our plan is the city trolley tour and finish up the day at the Kennedy center! Let's hope our luck begins to change!!

(sorry for any type-os I'm tired and typing this on
My phone!)


  1. ooooh no! hope today is a better day for everyone!

  2. Oh my goodness! I hope everyone feels better soon!!
