About Me

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We are a brand new family - Our Twins were born March 15, 2011. Becoming parents has changed our lives! We are loving every second! We are living, loving & learning with every diaper change! And believe me we have learned A LOT! We are excited to see what the future holds for the 4Miles'

Monday, September 12, 2011

Where were you?

That is the question asked millions of times around the US yesterday - 10 Years ago that Tuesday morning...Thinking about it still gives me chills...I have always heard older people say they remember where they were when they heard about JFK, The Challenger and different historical events but I couldn't ever relate -

I was hooked on the TV the last 48 hours watching and listening to all the documentaries being played on TV.  One even had phone conversations between family members who were stuck in the towers and KNEW they weren't going to make it.  That got me - hearing a 22 year old man, on his first day of work tell his fiance he loved her forever but will never see her again.  Aghhh  Another man called his 9month pregnant wife and told her he loved her and their unborn baby more then words could express, and that he would see them both in Heaven.

Brings back the memory of where I was - Driving down the interstate from Mt. Vernon to Rend Lake.  It was my freshman year of college and I was headed to my Intro to Lit class that Tuesday morning.  I heard on the radio the initial report that a small plane got off track and crashed into the World Trade Center.....a few minutes later...another -

I parked my car only know that information and went into the computer lab where my class was meeting...The teacher had just heard the news and jokingly said it must be the devil playing tricks on us all....In some respects he was right - unknowingly he was describing the terrorist attacks to the T.  We didn't have a TV in the lab but spent the entire 2 hour class discussing the impact this would have on America.  After class myself and a few fellow VB players went into the Locker Room and watched the scene on the streets of downtown NYC.  I still to this day feel numb when I think of us watching over and over again the first tower crumble.  And to see those poor people jumping out of the building - I can't imagine thinking jumping from the 98th floor of a burning building would be my only option.

So as yesterday came and went I couldn't help but give my husband  - a police officer an extra hug, give my two babies a little more snuggle time because for all those people that lost there lives that day, they went to work as if it were going to be just another Tuesday.  You never truly know what life will bring, something so tragic forces me to realize the important things in life!

1 comment:

  1. I majorly teared up reading this post! I can remeber exactly what I was doing too! Thank you Stephen for doing what you do!!
