About Me

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We are a brand new family - Our Twins were born March 15, 2011. Becoming parents has changed our lives! We are loving every second! We are living, loving & learning with every diaper change! And believe me we have learned A LOT! We are excited to see what the future holds for the 4Miles'

Friday, December 9, 2011

Hello all-

Well its been awhile...or as Kelly told me last night "I've really dropped the ball on blogging these days."  Which is true - and I could give you every excuse under the sun as to why but it is simple...By the end of the day - Im tired, I've most likely fought with two "sleepy, but fighting it til the end , 9 Month olds" attempting to get them to bed - Wait WHAT??? Did I just say 9Months Old....Holy heck where did that time go?? It seems like just yesterday I was Shopping for maternity clothes.  PTL I dont have to do that anymore - I thought there for a bit I wanted to change careers and design maternity clothes that were cute...and didn't cost an arm and a leg. 

Well back to Jaxon & Layla -
they are growing like weeds, crawling like crazy, pulling up on EVERYTHING, and fight sleep and naps tooth and nail...Speaking of teeth we have zero!  Im starting to look into baby dentures.  It seems as though Jax has been "teething" since about 3 months but come on already tooth pop thru or stay up there, your causing my boy pain!  Im starting to think we need stock in Baby Orajel. 

Aww look at those two - It is impossible to have a bad day when you see those dimples staring back at you!

We have now gotten to the stage where if one has a toy the other wants it...not to play with just to have the satisfaction of taking it away! Aghh I have a long 18 years to go!!

Jaxon will crawl up to Layla attempt to take the toy, when she doesn't give in he knows how to manhandle the situation ...he proceeds to pull her hair - when she drops the toy to get her hair back from his grips he takes the toy and crawls off...Boys!

Since I've been AWOL for a bit lets recap the last MONTH -
Thanksgiving was wonderful - It is always great to get to spend time with family.  We did have a big hole this year as Kelly & Ben chose NYC over Sparta, IL...who would ever do that??!!  I mean NYC has the Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade...Sparta has the lights parade...(of which took place during the rain??) I wasn't the sharpest in science but seriously an electrical parade in the RAIN?? O well we watched it from my Living Room, Jaxon & Layla LOVED all the flashing lights and even caught a glimpse of a soggy Santa Clause!

As far as Christmas goes - we are ready for the most part...Christmas Tree up - Ornaments only on the top 3/4 of the tree and I've only had to re-wrap 2 presents so far!  I treat that as a success!!

We are anxiously awaiting the text, or  frantic phone call, telling us that Mallory is in LABOR!! I can not WAIT to meet Baby Owen - I have been looking back at J&L's newborn pictures and I can not remember how teeny, tiny they were!  I'm ready to HOLD a new baby again - ....did you catch that HOLD & GIVE BACK...not have to keep....at least for now...Not too sure about down the road?

Well  Stephen and the rest of the Police Force in Sparta are coming up on YEAR #2 working without a settled contract - Yes you read that 2 YEARS without a contract -

The powers that be has decided instead of hiring someone (of which they are 3 men down) they have completely switch the schedule around from 12 hr. shifts to 8 hour shifts...I know it doesn't sound like a bad plan but on the 12's Stephen had every.other.weekend off - now on the 8's he gets a FRIDAY, SATURDAY off every.THREE.months aghhhhh it is horrible, I feel helpless because there is nothing anyone can do - Sure they are rotating now so he is not stuck on midnights but come on...
3 months on days,
3 months on 2nds and
3 months on midnights

these set days off are going to be the end of me...I mean seriously who can plan to go out for a nice dinner in St. Louis when you know you have to be back for him to work at 1130??!! Not this girl...and right now his days off are Sunday and Monday - so frustrating!

O well my rant is over!

Its the WEEKEND! Well in a few hours!  I love having weekends with zero plans! I think a day sitting in my PJ playing with the babies sounds perfect!

Take care all enjoy the weekend and lets hope for snow! Yep I said it SNOW! LOTS OF IT!

I have waited all year to spend a SNOW DAY at home with J&L

Heres a few pix from the past few weeks!
                                                 Momma's Girl
1st Snow of the year!!

Getting ready for Daddy's Christmas Party!


  1. Love the pictures. They are growing so fast. I definitely know how you feel with the tree and presents. All of our ornaments are out of reaching distance and the presents get slobbered on daily. Oh well all part of the fun.


    I feel you on the schedule. Makes you want to just cry.
