About Me

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We are a brand new family - Our Twins were born March 15, 2011. Becoming parents has changed our lives! We are loving every second! We are living, loving & learning with every diaper change! And believe me we have learned A LOT! We are excited to see what the future holds for the 4Miles'

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back to Work

Well its official...Christmas Break 2011 is OVER!  I started back at work today - after two LONG Fantastic weeks off, I had a teachers institute today, kids start back tomorrow.  Kacie and I were bummed we weren't shopping like we were 24 hours prior to this picture taken.

It is always good to get back into a routine, but I LOVED every second of break spending time just playing, snuggling and chillin with my babies.  I mean who wouldn't love waking up to these faces every morning!

Most of you already know this but my mom and dad are retired this year - and have been my babysitters throughout the school year on days Stephen works midnights.  Well they made the decision (long before J&L were thought of...) that they would "Winter" in Destin, Fl. when they retire.  Several other retired couples from Sparta do the same thing, staying in the same Condo Complex - The Jetty East. After a VERY tearful goodbye last night Mom and Dad packed up the van and were off bright and early today - to spend the entire Month of January at "The Jetty."

Mom and Dad if you are reading this - We are extremely happy (especially you mom) that you actually went along with this plan!  We are excited to see this tradition become a yearly event...so please expect many visitors!  You worked so hard for so many years - you deserve to take a month and simply "live by the beach."

Mom- I AM expecting you to find a cake decorating class - and OWN it! haha (inside joke everyone...she isn't starting her cake biz ...Just YET! lol
 Ahhh so jealous ...as I sit here in front of the fire keeping warm as it is 27 degrees out ...brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

We have visited "The Jetty" several times and it is a georgous area.  If you have not been to Destin, it is a must...Water as pretty and clear as the Bahamas, AMAZING shopping and the most laid back atmosphere I've seen in a true tourist city.

With my "babysitters" soaking up the sun in Destin, my loving Husband has turned our home into "daddy daycare."  Bless his heart, a few days a week he will work all night and babysit during the day, hopefully sleeping when the kids nap...he will get to sleep when I get home from school but Im sure things will get a bit crazy from time to time!

This arrangement is only for 1 month as mom and dad are only spending Jan. down south.  Mom was unsure how this would all play out so this year is their Trial Period.

well I have a sickly husband and a "on the verge" of sickly little boy Sooo while the house is quiet and all parties are sleeping Im headed that direction...I've learned in the last 9+ months that regardless of how much work, cleaning, facebooking OR Pinteresting you THINK you have to do...The best time to get sleep is when the babies are sleeping!! So im off to dreamland!...Goodnight all

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