About Me

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We are a brand new family - Our Twins were born March 15, 2011. Becoming parents has changed our lives! We are loving every second! We are living, loving & learning with every diaper change! And believe me we have learned A LOT! We are excited to see what the future holds for the 4Miles'

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Apple Attempt #2=SUCCESS!

Yep it didn't take long for Layla to warm up to "real food"  She pretty much DEMOLISHED her apples and finished up Jaxon's Sweet Potatoes!  I guess its safe to say she is not much of a picky!

Today was a pretty laid back day - Stephen worked last night so we let him sleep all morning/afternoon.  Myself, J &L headed up to Sparta Lincoln to meet up with a few girls I work with!!  I will be ready to get back into a routine - and I can't believe I'm saying this...(well putting this in writing) I am ready to go back to school!  Im sure I will feel different the first week of school and I am outside in the 90+ degree heat!  I will be begging to come back home and sit in the recliner soaking up the AC.

After coming home from school Stephen woke up and we spent the rest of the afternoon snuggling with our babies!  He was getting as much snug time in as possible as he is heading out west on a hunting trip with Papa Mark and his work partner Jamie B.  
They are all as giddy as school girls getting ready for this "Prairie Dog Hunting Extravaganza"  Its a quick 72hr round trip full of fun - Im sure they will have a wonderfully tasteful (HAHA) video uploaded on YouTube very soon upon their return...Glad someone is in to that!

Well I better get these babies to sleep - So I can pick the house up a bit!! We leave for Destin in T-minus  5 days! Cant wait but have TONS to do...Clean the house, get it ready for our renters, pack myself, Jaxon & Layla...and probably my husband too!  All the work will be worth it when Im camped out on the beach!!

- Remember to smile, You never know it might just turn someones tough day around!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Apples Attempt #1

After the pediatrician appt Monday we decided we would introduce some food to the babies - 
We decided we'd go with Apples ...Everyone likes apples don't they??  Well these pictures should speak for themselves...

 First spoonful.........
 She would take a bite...then make the worst face in the world  If you didn't know any better you would think we were feeding her sweet tarts!  It was sooo funny - sorry there are no pictures but we were laughing way to hard to document!

 I LOVE this kid - How sweet is this pic of my little man
Jaxon was not that into his food - Passed out sitting up! 

After lunch the babies took a LONG nap - I left them at Gma J's and headed to the mall to pick up a few outfits for the visitation tomorrow and the Stork/Kempfer Wedding Saturday...
All you moms out there know what I'm dealing with - It is soooo frustrating trying on clothes and  my pre-preg clothes dont fit but I really would prefer to NOT spend a ton of money buying bigger sizes. Because HOPEFULLY I get rid of this extra weight in the next few months!!   

After thinking long and hard about the events that have happened the last few days -  I've realized that life is extremely too short.  It is so important to value every second you have to spend with your loved ones.  I read a article on loss this afternoon and the author stressed the importance of positive thinking and "happy thoughts" to get a person through rough times.  I am going to try every day to finish my blogs with a positive thought, or something that simply made me smile throughout my day - 

I challenge you all to do the same!! Hopefully the one item that makes you smile, will make your readers smile as well!!

*I am so happy to have TWO healthy, happy babies...and a Wonderful Husband*
It makes me smile listening to the babies over the monitor making all of their little noises while they sleep!  They are so innocent and reliant on us for everything! 
 I LOVE being their Mom

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Cherish those around you~

We got some VERY sad news last night - A great family friend was killed in a car accident.  This type of news is heartbreaking to hear when you do not know the person but this really hits home when you know the person and consider them a close friend, as we grew up with Neil.  

Such a great kind hearted guy taken entirely too soon - 

We'll miss your smile, your laugh, your sense of humor - and especially we'll miss you

Love ya Neil - 
You will be missed by many and loved by all
You will not be forgotten

While we are mourning the loss of our friend, others are rejoicing to meet him... "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."
 - Matthew 5:4

Monday, July 25, 2011

4 month Dr. Appt

Today was the day...4 Month Dr. Appt = another round of SHOTS! Ouchhhh

We did the normal weight & height check
Here are the stats:
                      J                    L
Weight          14.2              16.4
Height           24in              24 1/2 in

After a general check up and given the thumbs up for healthy babies it was time.......

3 shots each... and a few tears later 
Bless their hearts - we left the dr. office all smiles!  It is most definitely harder on Daddy & Mommy then babies...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

What a difference 1 year can make!

As I head to bed tonight and hear my TWO sweet babies sleeping I can't help but realize how blessed I am - It has been almost a year ago Stephen and I found out we were going to have "A" baby...only to be SHOCKED at the sight of TWO teeny, tiny beans on the Ultrasound screen a few months later!

It is amazing to think the difference a year makes!  

~My Loves~

 Layla Jo - My baby girl
 Our First Vacation!
Jax in his favorite spot -  sleeping with Daddy!

Looking back if we had the chance we wouldn't change a thing!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Mommy Must Haves

I was ask a few days ago what are some things that as a new mom I couldn't live without... I thought I'd post on here and hopefully get some input from any other new moms so we can help Rosellyn out!
Here we go.....in no particular order

Pacifier clips - we attach them to their clothes and aren't always running to the sink because Jax/Layla has spit the paci out and it fell on the floor!

Paci's - Boy does Jaxon love his pacifer!  We had several different styles/colors and types but of course my kids only like 1 brand "Soothies" (same they give at the hospital)- of course they are around $2 each...doesn't sound like a lot but when Diesel also enjoy's them they become pretty pricy 

Swaddler - you can swaddle with just about any blanket but when my sister in law let me borrow the real deal - the actual swaddler's are AMAZING!  Instantly calmed babies down and helped them sleep!!

 *Note - this is NOT my kid ;)

Leapfrog Bedtime Bear "Scout" - THis little guy plays lullabies or environmental sounds but the great part about it is it has a 10min. or 20 min timer!!
When I was pregnant and attempting to go to bed but one or BOTh of the babies decided it was time to practice their soccer kicking skills - I would lay this bear next to my belly and instantly when I turned it on to environmental sounds the babies would chill and momma could catch some zzzzzz's  Now that the babies are here I start the bedtime bear and leave it in their cribs to help them fall asleep!
They have this in original colors Green/Blue or a girl version "Violet" she is purple and pink!...The miles clan has both!

Bottle Drying Rack- 

This was a last min. add to my baby registry but it is one of the MOST USED items in my house!  After babies are fed and put down for the night I start planning for the next day - we have a 9 bottle rotation...so at night it is my routine to clean, and fill all bottles for the next day!  I would have bottles, rings, nipples and caps ALL OVER MY KITCHEN if I didn't have this handy rack!  It is a huge space saver!!

*Can't have enough bottle brushes either!

Diapers, Diapers, Diapers - having twins I know we go thru double what a single baby would use but it is still a necessity!  I read a few days ago that the new thing to give people at showers along with a gift is diaper coupons within your card....I thought that was a wonderful idea!  

along with Diapers you can't have enough wipes!

Sweet Peace Swing-I've blogged about them before but I am still in LoVe with j&l's sweet peace swings!  They are on the go more during the day so they aren't in them as much as they had been but at bedtime after bottles if they just aren't quite ready for bed they will swing for a few mins. and they are out for the night!

**NOTE-These ARE my kids ;)

*My babies were sooo tiny when we first got the swings but they are great!  The frame swings and you can use these seats or you can use Graco Car Seats - WONDERFUL if you come home from a long car ride and babies are asleep! Pop them in for a little big of swing time before taking them out of their car seats!

Bumbo Seat- Probably one thing I could NOT live without!  J&L aren't big enough for high chairs just yet but they are perfect in Bumbo seats while feeding!  Layla has found a love for the Jetsons and likes watching a bit of TV sitting in her Bumbo...When they are a bit fussy and I am attempting to clean up in the kitchen/dining room I put them in their Bumbo's and sit them on the counter! 

 *Dont mind the "shirt hats" it was really funny that night!! 

Baby Bjorn- While traveling with the babies or just doing work around the house this is a MUST Have!!  I always thought they were so weird but they were perfect for our trip to Washington DC.  Using these cut out the need for our HUGE Double Stroller!  It was so easy any where we went they went!  WHile sightseeing it was going to be brutal to lug the stroller up and down stairs...on and off buses and in and out of the car - You basically wear the B Bjorn like a backwards backpack!  THe babies can lay against your chest (if sleepy) or face outwards if they are anything like my kids and NOSEY!!

A Good Monitor! - Pretty self explanatory!

Pack N Play - We used ours as their crib the first month or so the babies were home.  We set it up in the bedroom and they were always an arms length away!  I know it will be used more as they grow!!

Boppy Pillow- 

Another "can't live without."  With all the SIDS info there are very strict rules about what babies can and can not sleep with - We ask our Pedi and since Jaxon has acid reflux we got the go-ahead to let him sleep on a boppy.  Layla slept on one for about 2 months as well - this kept her from rolling into Jax when they both slept in the PnP.

Fisher Price Lullaby Playlist CD-Got this baby at WalMart and I dont think the CD player has shut off since!  It is a basic Lullaby CD but there are modern songs - right now I'm listening to Daughters by John Mayer!  Here's the playlist! 

1. The Scientist
2. Superman
3. You and Me
4. Everywhere
5. Bubbly
6. Daughters
7. Somewhere Only We Know
8. I'll Be
9. Love Song
10. A Thousand Miles
11. You're Beautiful
12. Don't Know Why
13. I'm Yours

Spit Up/Burp Rags- You can not have enough of these things!  I have a basket on one of my coffee tables full of spit up rags.  That way they are within arms reach when Im in the recliner feeding a baby!

Laundry Basket - I know a strange item on my Must Have list but I stack a handful of round baskets in the nursery - when one gets full I take it down and start on the laundry...but with the stack still in the nursery I am never without a place to throw dirty clothes!
*A very cool shower gift would be a basket filled with Dreft Laundry Detergent, Spit Up Rags, (At wal mart they make matching onesies), Shower Items - towel, baby shampoo, lotion ..Just common things people dont think about!

Camera & Video Camera - We have the fancy schmancy video camera but for Mothers Day stephen bought me a Kodak Handheld "Play Sport" which I throw in my Diaper bag and in about 5 seconds can have it on and rolling on whatever the kids are up to!  We took it to the pool for the babies first swim - ADDED BONUS the camera is waterproof!

Stroller - I love the ease of my stroller ...it is HUGE but once it is open it takes NO time to pop the car seats in and we're off!  I have a Graco DuoGlide but for single babies they have great/CUTE Travel systems in which you get the stroller/car seat COMBO for a reasonable price!

CUTE CLOTHES!  You can't go wrong with cute clothes!  

Im sure I left out a million things but it is late and Im tired! All you moms out there reading this please feel free to add your Mommy Must Haves - 

Rosellyn I hope this helps!! Congratulations again on the new Grandbaby Boy!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sleepy head

If this doesn't make you smile I dont know what will!!

Tonight we fed J & L and while I was giving Jax a bath Stephen took this pic.  Layla (who decided she didn't want to take a nap today...) passed OUT mid meal in her Bumbo

Her & her brother are sound asleep in their cribs now!  Im headed to bed myself!

~ Goodnight all~

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

Ok - this is a quick little post to announce that it is officially 8:20am on Wednesday July 20, 2011 and Layla is STILL SLEEPING!! (We put her to bed around 945pm)
I am one happy momma!!

Jax on the other hand was up at 4 - drained a bottle and is quietly stirring again but I'm so pumped Layla is getting some good sleep!!

Just thought I'd share - I guess if your a mom you can totally understand my excitement!  

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

18 weeks today!!

Time has truly flown by! J&L are 18 weeks old today - (4months last week)
For all you moms out there ...how long is it OK and acceptable to measure babies age by weeks...

It always bugged me when moms would say their baby is "26 months old" I mean seriously woman your kid is "2" I know people want to hold on to the fact that their kids are still young and I'm right there with them but sometimes facts are facts...(Just a random thought thats been on my mind)

Ok now that is out of the way ....Just a few things that the Miles' clan has been up to the last few days
 Yesterday while Stephen was gone all day at Jury Trial for work - J&L, Diesel and myself headed over to Gma J's to hang out for the day.  I worked on a continuing ed class I've been attempting to finish since March (I know I'm a slacker...and I'm not sure why I thought I would have enough free time to take a online class but hey a girl can dream about having free time right?! HA) 
Anyways during the day...We had a great visit from Kacie who brought over one of the cutest hair bows I've ever seen - She brought it for Layla but Im not so sure I wont try to wear it sometime...IT IS COACH!!!

For those of you that know me personally know that Im OBSESSED with all things Coach...Purses, Shoes, Jewelry...and now HAIR BOWS!  

Layla & Mommy LoVe it!!

Thanks soooo much Kacie!  The bow was a huge hit! (Also shout out to Abby B. her bows are soooo CUTE !!)  Check her work out here - http://bowsbyabby.blogspot.com

We also found out how much Layla LOVES the Jetsons.....she was talking and carrying to the TV it was so cute!

Today we had a fun-filled Tuesday!  We started by heading up to the gym for VB - Yes Jax, Layla and myself all went to open gym and "SHOCKER" Layla LOVED it!  Hope I have a little volleyball player on my hands...I know Im starting early!  Jax was not really interested - just hung out looking at the lights of the gym and listened to Pandora on my cell phone.

This afternoon, after Stephen woke up we headed to St. Louis with Gma & Papa Rog.  Best part of the evening....We had dinner at CASA GALLARDO I LoVe that place!!

Its crazy I know - but the babies love it - I dont know if its the music or the lighting but they smile and talk gibberish the entire time we are there!!

When I was pregnant Stephen and I would eat at Casa Every.Single.Day after our Dr. Appts.  We even joke that the babies "Last Supper" inside my belly was Casa...We ate there after my amnio - the night before my c-sect!! (Random tidbits of information but always a good story!!) But an added bonus of the place is their chips and salsa are AMAZING!!

I know I know slow news day but that is my life right now!  Im sure the bigger the babies get the more crazy our lives will become!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Paint, Tile & Stiches........ OH MY

We Stephen has been working hard the last few weeks to finish our bathroom re-model project downstairs.  Our goal is to have the project finished before our Grand American Shooters come to rent (Early Aug.) 

Progress so far....
Before...(we had tiled the floor as soon as we moved in...but thats about it)

Side wall of shower 

Shower tile...almost finished!!

It is coming very close to completion  - yesterday I got involved with the fun and finished the painting on the walls and ceiling.  Gma Patti babysat J&L for the morning to let stephen and myself work.  It was a nice morning for J&L as they had time to spend with all the GGma/GGpa Rust as well as GGma/GGpa Miles.

As I was packing up to head for home I get "THE CALL" yep it was mom telling me that Stephen has cut his arm and My dad had to take him to the ER! NICE!! Sooo I loaded up the kiddos and headed to Sparta Hospital - Mom met me in the parking lot took the kids and I went in to see the damage.  Only 7 stiches later he was good to go -
Layla testing Daddys ouchy 

Scene of the crime - the floor of the garage... ;(

Hard headed as my husband is he took a bit of a break and was hard after it again last night...The project is almost complete (hopefully it is finished this afternoon!)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Our Day - Pretty Relaxed!

We had a pretty low key - laid back day today.  J&L woke up about 4:00am - took a bottle and went right back to sleep until (I woke them) at 9:00!  I know I know NEVER wake a sleeping baby - well that doesn't apply to busy moms...I had to pack them up and take them to Gma J's.  Tuesdays and Thursdays I have VB open gym of which the babies are a bit young to be running around the gym....JUST YET!  Give it time and by next year this time I will have trouble keeping them away!  

They had a nice relaxing time at Gma's - After VB we hung out until it was time to wake Stephen up - he worked last night and again tonight so it is VERY IMPORTANT he sleeps as much as possible and even more important that we stay away to allow him to sleep - It is to tempting for him to come out and play with the babies if we are at home so we find things to do during the day!!

Attempt at rolling over - with a little help from Papa R & Gma J

She did it!! On her own!

After a few quality hours with "AWAKE DADDY" he went to work and J, L & myself headed to Gma P&Papa M's house.  We played a bit and most importantly ate cereal - the babies are starting to really get the hang of their rice cereal...After polishing off their cereal and a bottle each it is safe to say they were both in a milk coma within the hour!

 Supper with Gma P & Papa Mark - Yummy Cereal!!
 Jax is a bit embarrassed by the bumbo seat color....Lets face it kid...when Big SIS is hungry there is no stopping her...she was ready to eat while seated in the Blue bumbo and there was no changing seats - 
Layla - a BIG FAN of her new food option!!

Well all is quiet at the Miles' household - 10 bottles are cleaned, filled and stocked for tomorrow - babies are in bed...well Jax is in his crib and Layla is in bed with me agh poor girl is still a little stuffy and every so often she wakes herself up coughing and cries

  - I have finally got Jax sleeping soundly I'm not about to let her wake him up tonight soooo looks like I have to not only share my bed with Diesel (the dog) but also my little girl - 
I'm not complaining!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Blah, Blah, Blah

I've been having a blah couple of days...Not doing to much and its been so HOT going outside is impossible! 
We went shopping today for a bathroom sink  - (Bathroom re-model Pictures to come!!) and hit up Target to return my baby monitor that already shot craps...I LOVED the Graco monitor we had  it had all the bells and whistles.   Although I knew I had issues last night when the monitor started sounding like a gothic music concert - (I play a CD in the nursery throughout the night to cancel out traffic noise on Market Street.  But last night Mary Had a Little Lamb sounded a little CRAZY!! )

Anyhow today the babies both rocked out new pairs of shoes one of my Co-Workers gave me when I was pregnant one word...........ADORABLE!!

Layla in her Chuck's and Jax in his Van's

Monday, July 11, 2011

Attack of the Summer Cold

Well we've been hit over at the Miles' house...Hit by a COLD!  Stuffy heads, snotty noses, sleepiness, basically feeling like I've been run over by a truck!

As of this morning Stephen, myself, Jax AND Layla all are sick - Yuck...that's right everyone under our roof except the Diesel the dog are under the weather. 

Diesel is hiding out...hoping to not catch a cold!

The babies were a bit congested last night but it turned into a war zone around 3am.  Both crying and having trouble breathing thru their poor little noses....2 Bottles, a Baby Vick's Vapor Rub treatment and a LOT of TLC by momma and ahh- they both fell back to sleep in our bed until.....(make sure you are sitting down) 9AM!! Which was great considering I am not feeling 100% either -

My arsenal - bottles, medicine, tissue paper, Vicks and GermX...
I try to keep things Classy haha...notice the color coded bottles it is a job just making sure they don't share bottles=share germs!

The 3 of us hung out in our jammies in bed until about 11 - To let Stephen sleep after working all night. 

My sweet babies.............
finally comfortable, cuddled up together

Jax was so sweet...he woke up but was so calm and content!  
Almost like he wanted to let his sister sleep in  

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Whoa it is warm outside!!

Last night we went on a steamy walk with Gma Patti - She stayed around helping with our bedtime routine.  Now that J&L are eating rice cereal it is a bit more of a circus during bedtime feeding...
I am so grateful each and everyday to have family and friends so willing to help - Myself, Jax AND Layla appreciate it soooo much!!   

HELLO SUMMER...Is it necessary for it to be 105 outside?..I mean seriously we get the point - 95 would be sufficient!  Although it was a perfect day to spend in the pool!  My car read 102 on my way over to the pool - HOLY HOTNESS!

Headed to the POOL!!

(Swim suit courtesy of Cousin Callie!)

The babies went for a dip but only stayed about 10 min - They came back with Gma J and took a nap...This girl enjoyed a little quiet tanning time!!

Looks like tomorrow will be just as toasty - Keep cool!